How do you feel about Bush’s $10 trillion in socialism to the richest of Americans and foreigners? Are you cool with Bush giving your taxpayer dollars to the super-rich?
I always see outrage amongst faux conservatives when the super-rich might have to pay an extra 1% in taxes or when a hungry child gets a reduced-priced lunch, but there doesn’t seem to be any outrage when crooked banks are given $700 billion for fraudulently-originated loans. Such hypocrisy.
No. McCain is not Bush. I’m disgusted by Bush.
Ron Paul was the best choice.
Obama has no experience and is a snake oil salesman. He wants to talk talk talk, he thinks his talking is so amazing that it can help America bring peace with Iran. He does not understand the “irrationality of middle-eastern politics”.
McCain has the experience, has proven loyalty to the country and isn’t out to “spread the wealth around”. Spread the wealth around – scariest phrase I’ve heard from presidential candidate.