Yep, I’ll concede the point. ‘Contributing’ is probably a better word than ‘marginal’. Certainly not the principal factor. Here at home, GOP puts it out there like it was the deciding factor. Disinformation for political gain. That’s the issue I have (with it, and with them).
Agree. Petraeus’ leadership in Iraq has been great. Lord knows we need a better effort in Afghan/Pak. The Heritage Foundation comments were interesting to me. I don’t think he would have made them a year ago, as he definitely put some distance between himself and Bush/McCain orthodoxy. Comments about negotiating with enemies? Wow. I think the difference is now, Petraeus is standing squarely on successes in Iraq, firm ground, and also Bush the vindictive little politician is on his way out.
Am I beating a dead-horse? Yeah. I concede that one too. Obama/Biden are going to win. Damn! I feel super-boring now. I’ll have to switch to something more interesting.
What’s up with this credit crisis? You’re right, no good answers from the pols. I think dollar-run is explainable by relative long-term strengths of USA versus Euro and BRIC. Whatever happens, we’re through being cool.
Interesting post by Krugman on Friday though, sourcing a bond trader’s blog. The trader thinks the treasury run is another ‘bubble’ about to burst. If that happens, dollar tanks, oil goes through the roof, we’re all pretty much screwed. Devolution working man blues.