There are a couple of sites/people who have been trying to organize, and I think we ought to join forces…every bubble/financial blog and related groups should absolutely join together to fight this.
If the Fed/Treasury think loading the taxpayers with trillions in additional debt is the answer, they should at least have to show us ALL the details they have which lead them to their conclusion.
They should NOT be able to keep this information opaque if we are going to pay for it.
Many people, including myself, have been trying to warn regulators, law-enforcement agencies, politicians, etc. for years. They have all sent the same basic response (if any at all) like the one Mike posted above.
F— them. They’ve screwed us over enough. Time for them to get on their knees and BEG us for ***OUR*** money. And they better damn well prove to us that it would be the best response to the CREDIT BUBBLE (not “foreclosure crisis”). Additionally, they better show us how they will make us whole when the debacle — that THEY AND WALL STREET created — is over (with interest).
This is why I favor a very progressive tax. It’s the top 1% that got us here in the first place.