The fact is everyone was making money hand over fist so long as RE prices rose. No one stopped to think about the ramifications if prices even stopped going up, much less declined. And if they did, they were probably bought out.
I and many others like me don’t have half the information and contacts that the monetary/political scientist jerks have and we could all see this coming. Of course they saw it coming! And of course they knew the end result. Why would they slow up their efforts? They knew that they were unsustainable and would eventually come to a crashing halt. I’ll tell you why: BAILOUT!
Like the touchdown is to football, the name of the monetary/political game is BAILOUT!
The sooner we all realize this the sooner we’ll turn off CNN, Fox, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Air America and all the other mainstream news outlets that are in cahoots; and throw the politicians out of office.