Farls, he told me he’s involved in 8 deals right now, and is turning away business. His first 2 years in RE were slow, and he is now getting busy, as his website is finally generating lots of leads. I know you can look up his sales, so why are you asking me? You can look this up yourself.
What I like about him is that he knows how to work the system, how to take advantage of the rising inventory.
I bet there are realtors out there who have 20x the real estate sales experience and sales of Bob, who haven’t figured out that internet appeal matters more than curb appeal, that you don’t let yourself fall in love with just one house, and that you write up 4 offers with 24-hour windows before you submit your first offer so you have negotiating power, and can walk. He never carries a contract with him in the car.
I put all this out there to help you and sdrealtor and other realtors who visit this forum. That’s why I suggested you talk to him. He’s a mentor type of guy, and he has no secrets. He likes to help people.