I find the show fairly well done. It is interesting to see who is buying and selling these high priced homes.
I think the show does a good job capturing the mental and emotional states of the buyers and sellers. In one episode, a seller accepts a low ball offer that you didn’t expect him to accept. It reiterated that in this market, there are sellers that will accept a below market offer because they, for various reasons, need the home in escrow “yesterday”.
The show makes getting a 5 million dollar listing look pretty easy. I guess it is pretty easy to approach a prospective seller and say, if you give me the listing, I will put you on TV. The egos of the Southern California Socialite can’t resist the opportunity to show off their success. As long as the show keeps going, these kids are going to clean up.
Maybe the shows producers pushed the mushroom haircut. I would gladly sport that dew for the opportunity.