I just want to add.. that the paycheck-to-paycheck mentality of my peers is scary.. but what really scares me, is that to them there is no consequence… the fix for them is to get more credit.. or hope that they get more hours at their job?? Even though they are living this way – the next thing I expect to hear from them is – “Hey I just bought an Escalade and a dirtbike!”.
The thought of savings is completely foreign to them…
Do any of you older folks understand how many people my age 20-30 live with their parents? I havea lot of friends that do.. and they’re not drug junkies either.. I believe it’s just become part of this generation… Why or what changed? I do not know.. That’s brings up another issue that scares me… I know some people my age don’t understand how bad their parents are actually doing.. these friends parents (and this is mostly a guess) are living off their refinances.. and are cash flow negetaive each month.. I don’t think it’s very hard to tell if someone is losing money each month.. they have lots of credit cards and things that are obviously beyond their means..
As my dad says… “things are just starting to turn around for me!!” (listen to that over the last 20 years and we’ll see if you believe that they are)