Me? No, I would never shop at Wal-Mart, Target, or Costco.
Using my annual income from my family’s dynasty trust, I prefer to buy hand-tailored clothes and Italian shoes from small boutiques in Del Mar and Beverly Hills.
This is the only way to go. Don’t you think?
Actually, sometimes, I think that liberals truly despise the poor and working class (deep down), in consistently trying to regulate and restrict any industry that provides goods and services to the poor at affordable rates.
Or, maybe they just hate American success stories?
Watching liberals like Obama and others, I believe that they would be content to have $7 dollar-a-gallon gasoline and abolish Wal-Mart’s competitive advantage, increasing prices for food and everyday items for the working class. (Of course, they would be “saving the environment” or “preserving the character of the community.”)
Why are they like this? I guess, it doesn’t affect your average young liberal–as they live in the big city, probably have no children, likely don’t run a business, and only drive on the weekends for trips to the mountains or the organic food festival.