Here’s a place w/a NOD, trying to sell, reduced, probably end up back to bank.
5344 Van Nuys listed $1,150,000, just as nice.
815 Archer is nice also.
5344 Van Nuys:
My God – its been flipperized!!
Take a look at the square footage and ignore the use of wide angle lens inside while using a telephoto outside to remove the neighbors. Take a look at where it is on the map. The lot is actually quite small. I also wonder about the honesty in the square footage figure. Take a look at the right side rooms from the front picture (top pic on sdlookup). Those windows are at most 4 feet wide, making the inside room at less than 10 foot across (use height to width ratio, compare with height of garage door. Top of door will be roughly 7″)
Peekaboo views from second floor = you can see the views if you stand on your toes and are 6′ tall.
Also in the view from the back, you can see the free-standing hot tub right outside of what looks like the kitchen window.