There’s a larger issue here, which is that we need to get back to a point where there’s cooperation between parties and a civil tone. Opposing political parties were never the enemies of America, and vice versa. Ever since the awful Clintons (“The Liars”), amplified by the “Crazy Base” Bush fruits/freaks, the partisan fringe has pretty much taken over debate, divide and conquer for political gain.
These partisan bums who post here? They’re a case in point. Very little substantive criticism or discussion. Mostly dishonest lies, exaggerations, rumors, slander, innuendo, statements taken out of context, attacks by association, subtle racism in the case of Obama.
This isn’t by accident, it’s by design. It starts with focus-group-tested talking points that get propogated out with machine-like efficiency through ‘opinion leaders’, ‘message-men’ and media whores, picked up and passed on by partisans across the country in conversations, emails, blogs and airport bathroooms. It’s no coincidence we hear the same bullshit over and over again. It’s propoganda and it’s insidious.
Make a decision to get out of the gutter, to raise the bar. We have deadly serious business before our country, wars in the Middle East, a faltering economy, corruption and profiteering, a number of grave issues. Moving forward is going to require a better country than the past 20 years of Clinton-Bush boomer-generation erectile dysfunction.