I’m in the Mira Mesa area where prices are a bit lower than the rest of SD county (older homes). I’ve seen several signs go up in the past 3 months, but only 2 sold signs and one sale pending (has been up for 1.5 months though). One of the “sold” signs was on a house that was 30+ yrs old, needed major work and had been for sale for about 45 days at a mid $400 price range. The other was on a busy street, mid-$500k and was for sale about 3 months. I see these homes daily as they are part of my daily commute to work. As of now, there are about 150 SF homes and 150 condos for sale in Mira Mesa alone. About 100 of these have gone on the market since Jan. Price reductions are few as time on market has been increasing steadily.