I think I may have been that guy talking about sub 300k houses. Toasting a beer to either reasonable (IMOP) prices, or being wrong and having to buy myself a beer.
I dont really check the listings anymore, I havnt been to SDlookup in weeks. I have put myself on vacation from housing in all aspects cept reading the news and the pig. I dont see 6 3/2 SFR’s for sub 300k. I see a few 2/1’s, which is good. But I am often totally off base, so if you see some, by all means please post and let me know. Id really appreciate it, how else am I gonna know what the beer is for? 🙂
AN you are right, there suddenly seemed to be alot more in the sub 350k catagory. I am guessing they are trying to make the spring sales rush and get all offers. Ok with me. You knifecatchers buy the first ones that come on the market that are in need of alot of work and in crappy locations. Ill just wait for the houses that have to deal with your comps. I am not worried about it until I see a sustained and significant drop in NOT’s. Then I may get off my lazy ass and start looking again.