Thanks, Allan. I’ve enjoyed the discussion. It’s not without a tremendous degree of cynicism that I declare support for any politician. We’re gen-X, remember… <ha,ha>
One of the concerns I still have with Obama is executive ability. IOW, can he select good people, delegate and hold accountable? The effectiveness of his campaign has mitigated this concern somewhat. I’m impressed so far. They’ve executed well. Hillary was just awful in comparison. Don’t even know where to begin with McCain. It’s amazing he’s still around. Not talking about his health either.
With the money issue, yeah, what is it now, a “Billion-Dollar Race”? It’s pretty disgusting. It’s worth noting there is a difference between the money Obama raised and the money Hillary raised (or the Republican side for that matter). Remember, Hillary was the ‘annointed’ candidate, and her donor base reflected it, lots of bundling, corporate money, big organized contributions. Much of Obama’s money — especially in the early months, came in the form of individual donations over the Internet. The contributions have changed since then (Obama’s now an ‘establishment’ candidate, for better or worse).
That reminds me, another reason I’m supporting dems and Obama this year: Net Neutrality. No chance an McCain administration addresses this, T/W, Comcast, etc. The large media companies are absolutely skirting the law and at present and violating it’s intent. No DoJ response. We’re a relatively small business and our work depends on the Internet — we pay for bandwidth, for example. If we start seeing QoS factored into our pricing, that puts us at a disadvantage with our larger competitors.
The Internet was developed with public money, same as Eisenhower’s highway system. It’s been subsidized the whole way with taxpayer funds (and continues to be). Imagine if the speed limit was lower for small businesses but higher for big companies. Which trucking company would you go with? Once again, I find the republican position to be fairly bankrupt these days.
In fact, I actually *like* McCain. Ordinary voting year, I’d really consider voting for him but I’m so disgusted by the whole New-Age Bush republican thing. The fact that McCain panders right just alienates me further. Yeah, part of my vote is a support for Obama. Part of it is a vote against the current direction of the republican party. Amazing how they’ve managed to pick the wrong side of so many issues, call it “Terry Schiavo Syndrome”.