Hey Paramount, I really just wanted to remind you that you purchased in an HOA community, so make it work for you. In my position here as block captain in Morgan Hill (thanks temeculaguy) I’ve had to resort in three situations to a letter writing campaign to the management company. Guess what, it worked. I sometimes want to channel my Grandmother’s spirit to rap the offenders up one side of the head, but I try to beleive that some people are oblivious (benefit of the doubt) that they are creating an annoyance. Those that can’t follow the rules shouldn’t purchase in an HOA community, those that do purchase are trying to avoid the Pepto-Bismol pink you find in central Anaheim. I should know about the pink, I lived there in the one car garage section for many years and realized I had to get out when someone drove down Sycamore Street by my house in the early 90’s firing shots (thankfully in the air) past the kids walking home from junior high school.