1. paramount – Paloma del Sol has an HOA. It is of paramount importance (and your responsibility as a homeowner in an HOA) that you file a formal complaint in writing. The HOA governing documents, I am sure, will not allow vehicles on blocks in driveways. They also will most probably specify that before cars can be placed in the driveway, the garage must be fully utilized for the number of vehicle spaces therein, then before they can be placed in the street, the driveway must be fully utilized for the number of vehicle spaces therein. Please bring facts – don’t use a single anecdotal example of excess vehicles to portray that the entire neighborhood, as well as Temecula, is going to hell!
2. kewp – I saw a three wheeled vehicle one passenger vehicle across the 15 going south in Wildomar today. Interesting, the front had 2 wheels and the back had one wheel. It had to be moving fast to be in the inner lane. The color was great, a deep hued burnt orange metallic. My nephew, who works for JD Powers, told me there’s a start-up in the LA area that is developing the prototype for that car style. Per the nephew, mileage and performance will be awesome, great stability due to the design. Nephew says the car I saw must be a front-engine design, whereas the car at the link you provided must be a rear-engine design.