Wow. Republicans are crashing like a bad housing market.
I’m a conservative, especially in matters of fiscal and foreign policy. I voted GOP through the 80s, 90s and through GWB’s first run at the Presidency. I’m unaffiliated now and I’ll be pulling the ‘D’ for a change come November, including a vote for Obama. I might end up switching parties.
Polls show a good 70% of Americans strongly disapprove of the performance of republicans in the majority. For my part, I am unhappy with their incompetence on matters of foreign policy and energy policy. I’m also unhappy about the partisanship, general unethical conduct and the degree to which they’ve politicized everything. Much of it is about demonizing the opposition.
Let’s examine some of the hypocrisy. On the one hand, you protest the erosion of civil liberties under the Bush Administration. I like Ron Paul too. He’s right on target. The next minute, you’re recycling talking points about Obama not having any qualifications or experience.
If I remember correctly, he was Magna Cum Laude Harvard Law School and a former professor of CONSTITUTIONAL LAW at Chicago. So if the constitution is an issue for you, he ought to be well-qualified, no? You agree? If anybody understands US government and the Consitution, it would be a person of his background?
This is one example, and there are many, of how I don’t believe the criticisms are well-supported. Most of us see through the noise. The GOP talking points have become shrill and desperate. You’ve lost credibility with the majority of the American public.
Eisenhower was one of the great Republican Presidents of the last 100 years and a centrist. He governed effectively from the middle through a period of great turmoil. As indicated by Susan Eisenhower’s endorsement of Obama earlier this year, Eisenhower would almost certainly have supported Obama were he alive today. There are quite a few of us, former Republicans who are either crossing party lines or have left the party altogether.
And it’s mostly because of this ridiculous right-wing crap that’s constantly spewing forth. So keep it up. The Democrats are in all likelihood going to sweep the elections come November because of it.
This entire generation, the Democans, the Republicrats, the zeitgeist of it all, “Bickering Baby Boomers in Divorce Court.” The collosal selfishness and stupidity, possibly the worst generation of all time. God help my generation of Americans, and my kids. We have some monumental problems, beginning with energy and foreign policy, complicated now by financial crisis and insolvency. It’s going to take a while to repair the damage you’ve wrought.