Allan, I was joking before about wide of the target, but I want to go on record here. Nothing you said is wide of the target. All of it accurate, on the mark. ‘Pop’.
Dukehorn, good questions. Well put.
Most people, there’s more common ground than divisions. Lots of shills and frauds out there right now. Give ’em a beatdown when you see ’em. This is a serious time right now and we need some leadership and character in this country.
Veritas, drilling doesn’t do it. That’s ignorant and saying that makes you a dumbass. We have to diversify our energy sources and conservation is essential until we’re able to make the jump. Oil underlies the major geopolitical threats we face as a nation and our consumption/reliance undercuts our foreign policy.
With your vehicle, conspicuous consumption of petrol at a time when we’re at war in the Middle East — that’s what makes you a douchebag. You have no business making jokes about what other people drive. If you don’t like being a douchebag, maybe you should trade that gas-pig in for a golf cart or something. A reasonable gas-fueled auto would be fine. Personally, I’d like to see you on a Segway. We could snap a video and put you on YouTube, tooling down the sidewalk. With a helmet.