128 homes listed today in Temecula around the price point of 1 – 1.5K ! Twice the number listed in this price range from only a few weeks prior. I have been following this as a prospective buyer potentially for the summer of 2010. Temecula came into focus for numerous reasons – home/house for the dollar obviously high on the list and great feedback about a “family orientated” community – especially compared to other areas I am interested in.
Two views on this area – wow – they are taking a major hit here and will take forever to recover … property values may drop to the point where the whole family-feel & atmosphere may permanent change also dragging down the wine valley & upper price range communities too – hopefully not sooooooo. Secondly, the value comes back to a realistic price point quicker and savvy buyers wanting to put down roots for the long term come into this market sooner, hence the area starts to climb out of the bottom/plateau quicker as prices are more reasonable and for a larger buyer market with the same plan.
The next three to nine months will be interesting for Temecula… appears they are ahead of the curve in the downside (at all price points) and an overview can be gathered from this microclimate for N San Diego in general. Karmagirl – I wish nothing but positive things for your home plans. Has Temecula laid rest the quarry initiative???