Has anybody had a chance to use one of these yet? I’ve checked out the DK1 and DK2 at work when someone brought one in, but the quick check out is nothing compared to a fully tuned experience with the proper setup.
I got the chance to borrow one this last week and wow, amazing experience! If you know someone who has one, try to get your hands on it. It definitely needs some work with refinement, but the immersion is really there.
Did Deep Echo and Neptune (both based on under sea submersibles) really feels like you’re in a submersible.
I tried out Vox Machinae, and although I have never piloted a giant bi-pedal war robot in real life, I’m confident that it pretty well matched the real experience
Last night before bed, I ran a wing suit demo where you fly through the mountains and steer by moving your head, I literally got to the point where I was about to throw up. My wife seriously suggested placing a trash can next to the bed because I looked that bad.
Anybody else tried this thing, any suggestions on demos?