No Santa Monica is not within the gates of Santa Luz… Kind of like, close but no cigar. Many agents who post Santa Monica listings actually put Santa Luz as the community.
A quick side note…
When an agent enters a listing in the MLS, all of the listing information is simply template driven. From an engineering standpoint the gui (user interface) is pretty pathetic. Given the bucks the realtor association has you would think they would deploy some decent technology but that is another story for another day. You simply pull down values from the template for pretty much all fields. The only areas you get to actually senter long strings of text is the remarks, confidential remarks, and supplemental comments. Other fields allow for text entry like room measurements, directions, and other similar fields.
One of the template pulldowns is for “community” and Santaluz is actually a value you can select. Now there is another field called “subdivision” where you can write in the subdivision of the home. So many agents will select the Santaluz community and write in the Santa Monica subdivision. Nothing bad about that but no Santa Monica is not in the gates on the course.
What area is Santa Monica considered? mmmm… well it is in 92127 which is Rancho Bernardo… it is close to Santa Luz… so I guess it really depends on who you talk to… If you talk to someone who lives IN Santaluz they will look down and say no you are not in Santaluz…