“AngryRenter.com does seem to be tapping a vein of genuine public ire. Rich Toscano, a renter who is a financial adviser with Pacific Capital Associates in San Diego, initially thought the site was an authentic, popular enterprise. “It looks like a young person did it,” he says.
He was instinctively sympathetic, having started his own blog: Professor Piggington’s Econo-Almanac for the Landed Poor, a celebration of foreclosures and other misfortunes suffered by real-estate brokers who he says helped inflate the local bubble. Though Mr. Toscano realized later that FreedomWorks was behind AngryRenter.com, he says the message is more important than the identity of the messenger. Everyone should be angry about any bailout, he says.”
I’m not a WSJ reader so maybe this isn’t unusual reporting, but his characterization of this blog seems…a bit off. It doesn’t look like Mr. Phillips spent much time researching before publishing.
Maybe it is worth responding to Mr. Phillips and suggesting a better way to characterize the service Rich has provided through his hard data and reasoned argument, warning of the bubble early on and saving untold numbers of people untold amounts of money.