10! or now, 4! Really? I mean I always here about how these GSE’s are sponsored to promote home ownership. To help first time buyers and the middle class get into a house, with the justification being the people who own are more involved in the communities, generally more stable, and have a nest egg in their house for when they retire. The cost of this is the increased risk the federal government is taking on to insure these loans.
Now you are telling me that they are gonna “only” insure you up to 4 houses instead of 10! (not aimed at OP,more at those who are sure to cry foul) How is this not government insured investment? Sure sure, I understand that people may not want to live in their first home their entire lives and that moveing up the “ladder” is the American dream part 2. I totally understand that. But 10?
And we wonder why things get out of control every 10 years or so.