Unfortunately times have changed and the reality is that the cost of Education is such that there is no way that a student can pay for it on their own.
Paretns who talk about the fact that they worked their way through college are missing the fact that Reganomics stole from the future generationds and wealth has transferred from affordable education into now unaffordable homes. You can’t gloat about home equity and simultaneously frown at the fact that the goivernment is expecting parents to foot the bill. Not that CMcG is asserting that. Just my own blanket statement.
With respect to nurses getting paid 100k in San Diego the poster is misguided. San Diego pays nurses very low when compared to cities like San Fran Los Angesles, etc. Nurses who have time in are making about $35 an hour. Don’t know where you are coming up with your 100K. Would be a very rare situation.