While you are choosing to look at it as a failure it is not. Think of it as a learning experience. You have displayed all the right attributes about how to go about searching for a home. The most important part about the search you have performed is the portrayal about the differences between finding a house you like and a house you love. When you find the one you love you need to go all in or not at all.
Fortunately Raptor, in the end it will be fine for you because while it may not seem possible, you will indeed find a home that is just as fitting as the one you missed. I can say that with all the confidence in the world. Additionally your diligence in the search you have performed has pretty much been unmatched as far as I can tell on this site. Hopefully Piggington has served as a good outlet for the frustating experience you have gone through.
There are plenty of rentals in CV. Have your realtor look on the MLS and have her look on Craigslist for a start. There are also a few services she can check with as well.