Agreed. Problem is, each stop it pulls brings the dollar down more and more. The current “war on the dollar” and “war on savers” moves on at full steam, thanks to our central bank (by the way, its name is abbreviated Fed, not FED).
A recession that penalizes those who took too much risk durig the boom (and penalizes some innocent victims too) would be preferable to the current situation: countless savers are being robbed of the value of their life savings, and our unstable and debased currency will create problems for years and years to come. And the risk takers who created this mess in the first place? They get a bailout! So they’ll be even more careless in the next boom.
Geez, thanks Fed for being so “independent” and withstanding political pressure to flood the world with dollars and decimating the value of my savings so that debtors can have their irresponsible debts reduced by inflation. (/sarcasm off)