Totally agree with you about the quality of the house and the location. In the end this is MM, and not even the newest or nicest area of MM. I was being alittle agressive with the rent, I really think that in any kinda of downturn the number of people willing to spend even 2300 a month in rent for a 1800sqft house in an ok school district is gonna be small. Far smaller than it is today. If this downturn isnt bailed out early, which I can see happening, I can see this going for about 2100/month which brings us to 315k. Unless we have a depression itll never go under 300. Just wont. But if you could get it for 345k, Id consider it seriously.
As for the 3000sqft thing, I tend to agree that it is over the top. Personally, I would rather have a 2000sqft house and put the money into getting a bigger lot. I want a place a dog could actually get up to a trot before slamming into the fence, and I dont consider that chihuahua you crossbred with a rat a dog. If it shakes cause it is cold on a san Diego summer day, it isnt a dog, it is a freak.