“Funny, when I read the article I didn’t get any of these messages from it. By any metric homes are more affordable by the mere fact that prices have dropped by 20% or more in some cases.”
I got that pro-spin message. It is one of those support articles that they will then cite in an oped piece or someother RE promo as evidence to buy now.
There is a positive tone to this piece because they word it as 33% of households can afford an entry level house, and then cite the improvement over last year. Anyone could turn it around and give it a negative tone, saying 67% of household in CA CANT afford an entry level house, even if 80% couldnt last year. Id like to see that come out the the CAR mouthpiece some month (and not have it liked to a plea for a Gov bailout).
BTW, does this take into account all CA housholds? I mean, my parents could afford an entry level home in CA today, they could afford 5,(infact they own 4, plus the very non entry level house they live in) not that they are in the market.
How is it a healthy market or an improving market when the only people who could play are the ones who dont want to?