Bob S. You just might be right. I may end up as one of your neighbors. As you know, I like Santaluz just fine. I agree that the quality of homes is very high and the landscaping theme has really grown on me so much, I down right like it. It is completely different than other areas and that aspect makes it even more likeable. I still love lush tropical landscaping like FBR, but I would not ever consider doing that in a Santaluz home. It would ruin the theme and the CC&R’s would not let me anyway. Fine by me. I take Santaluz for what it is and it is a very nice area. I wish it did not have Mello Roos and that I had CV schools, but there is always private school and once I find what Del Sur schools would apply to my house, the public schools may be just fine.
Alas, however, I have not picked an area to live in yet. We have 5 homes on our watch list for potential offers and they are all in different places (Covenant, Cielo, FBR, Santaluz, and Meadows Del Mar). And we are looking at more homes in all those areas plus RSF Farms (where we have looked at before) and of course the Crosby and Bridges for the first time.
JL. I took one Friday down there and went to my job at 5pm and drove to Cielo (the furthest living option) and it took me exactly 17 minutes. And that was during rush hour. I don’t commute during rush hour. I go to work early and work late. My commute here is 30 min during off hours and 1-1.5 hrs during commute hours. AND, the commute was very scenic, unlike here. I am not worred about any commute. No matter what, it will be a dramatic improvement.
Wife stays at home raising the first batch of what will be 6 children. She is ok with the isolation of Cielo and has indicated a preferance for a gated community for some added security. We will always have at least one relative living with us anyway, usually more. She likes FBR the best by far and is pushing that community for a purchase, but is open to the others as well. She really likes the Cielo views. Parts of the Covenant she likes, others not so much. She likes Santaluz, but does not love it, though she does love the homes we have looked at there. They (and the ones in Meadows Del Mar) are closest to our taste without needing remodeling/refinishing. MDM of course have tiny lots, which is a big negative for our criteria. One of the homes on our short list in the Covenant is on over 3 flat, usable acres. We are looking at a few more this weekend with 5-6 acres each.