That is my least favorite auction company and the reason I didn’t go to the auction in the original post, even though it was a different company. They have a lot of ones that are not sold and a hidden reserve so not all are accepted, they sold about 20 or 30 homes on Saturday in our neck of the woods, unfortunately they don’t post the sold price. SD Realtor can run it for you after it closes. You can check the public records yourself but there is a lag time before it’s posted. The temecula website has a GIS module and you can get the APN from there, then the Riverside county website links to the assessor website and you can run the apn and get the tax bill and assessed value, it will be the sales price since it just sold, but it can be months before it’s updated. Zillow culls data from them but they have a lot of missing data. Run it now and then check it in a month or two so you will know if it is different then you can be sure you have the new value and not the old one.
May I offer my belated apologies for anything negative I’ve said about VR in the past year, Ignore me for I am but a mere peasant/renter.