Nostradamus. I am not rich. I know a lot of rich people, so I can tell the difference. I ain’t one of them. I have been lucky with money and have a job that pays very well, but that is about it. I just went to school and got a lot of degrees and do something not many people can do where there is lots of demand for it globally. Nothing brilliant about that. Just common sense marketing.
I am no financial wiz kid and certainly not financially talented enough to be giving advice to folks. I know no more than an MBA who also has an economics degree. I live below my means so don’t tend to carry debt other than a mortgage, which as a rule should be no more than 33% of the value of my house after 5 years for me. That is all the savy I have. The rest is dumb is as dumb does.
Look, I owned Enron and Worldcom stock when the market tanked and a lot of it. Don’t look to me for financial or real estate advice. Why do you think I joined this board? I am an expert in some things, but not these.