drunkle, we’ll have to disagree about which is more accurate: that we have the politicians that the voters deserve, or the ones that the CEOs deserve.
“the voters’ opinions may change as things get worse”
I agree and that was my point, except that I’d replace your “may” with “will”. And the polls are not telling the whole story on this. Already I’d say most voters support cuts in interest rates, and many here would say that’s a form of bailout. The word “bailout” has a negative connotation, so most people who support bailouts will deny they support anything that’s actually labeled a “bailout”.
“homeowners are not, will not be the beneficiaries of any bailout plan”
Some will benefit, some won’t. For example, if the bailout is accomplished mostly by increasing inflation, then homeowners who are net savers will be hurt, whereas homeowners who are net borrowers (and this is the majority) will indeed benefit, other things being equal.