You’re only making my point for me – you plainly state that your choice of location had a lot to do with freeway access. You might have considered moving up by the back gate area had the pricing been favorable enough for you to put up with the reduced access and whatever other downsides that may have factored into your decision. It apparently wasn’t, so you obviously took the compromise that best fit your situation. I don’t mean that to sound like a bad thing because it isn’t.
There are areas of O’side that I like better than where I am right now, but I stay because the compromise I have chosen best fits my situation. I’m real close to a freeway junction and access was one of the primary factors in my decision, too. When I moved down here I was still doing a lot of work in Orange and Los Angeles Counties and I needed to commute.
Being snooty has nothing to do with it. I’ve made comments on this board before that if my situation was different I wouldn’t have a problem living in Temecula or Murrieta or Hemet. I am not some wannabe yuppie whose identity is all wrapped in my zipcode and I don’t talk trash about how other people choose to live.
FWIW, I’ve always thought Oceanside was undervalued in comparison to what it offers. I think they’re going to run into some problems later on but there are a number of towns in this region that face the same challenges. Including Carlsbad.