Nostradamus, thanks for posting about this restaurant! I went there and had their lunch buffet today, which starts at noon. In terms of quality and variety, I like it much better than Ashoka and Kir.
I noticed the Chinese influence (I’m 2nd-gen Chinese) – there was a dish that almost looked like sweet and sour pork, breaded pork stir-fried with onions, green bell peppers and chiles. It turned out to be breaded cauliflower stir-fried with onions, green bell peppers and chiles, yum!
What looked like the moistest, most tender tandoori chicken I’ve ever seen – turned out to be the moistest, most tender tandoori fish I’ve ever eaten.
Their naan was stacked in a hot tray in the buffet area, not as good as when they walk around and hand out fresh naan – but that’s because they walk around and hand out fresh dosas, in addition to coffee and tea.
I enjoyed it greatly, and now I’m going to enjoy an after-buffet lunch nap.