[quote=zk]If I were a racist I wouldn’t be pointing out how racist others are now would I??
Are you trying to be funny, John? Or are you actually that ignorant?
If you’re trying to be funny, and you’re actually saying, “yeah, I’m a racist. I lump all blacks and asians together and call them racist. And in calling them all racists, I define myself as a racist. Ironic, huh? Funny, huh? Ha Ha,” then at least you know you’re a racist. If that’s the case, then perhaps you might consider whether you want to make such a fool of yourself with continued displays of ignorance.
If you really don’t see that calling entire races of people racist (or calling them, as a whole, anything else, for that matter) is racist, then please allow me to educate you. I’m not sure what the point of your link there was, but it was a question and some observations from one person. Which is exactly my point. Some asians are racist. Some blacks are racist. Some whites are racist. Some Austrailian aborigines are racist. But only the ignorant ones. Each race has its own John Ficquettes. Each race has its ignorant individuals who look at a whole other race of people and say, “those people are bad because (insert fear/ignorant statement here).” That’s what racism is, John. Looking at a whole other race and ascribing an attribute to them.