Wow. After reading all your comments I feel REALLY old! I just turned 60. Both 50 and 60 were difficult. Some friends and I decided to read and discuss some books re aging and I feel the stress lessening. At times I feel the need to do all those things I haven’t yet done, at other times I feel content with just enjoying my life as it is.
Too many friends dealing with cancer, and a number dying too young. One said to me, “The way I see it, we have ’til we’re 50 then all bets are off.” That really impacted me and helped me decide to retire early. Who knows what’s in store, but I want to be able to live as fully as possible. I retired early (58) as my job became too stressful. I now have a small business that I enjoy.
Lately, I”ve been aware that I’m letting the small business take over, and not doing the traveling I wish to do, so I’m re-evaluating again. Time to step things up.
Starting with 50 I became more aware of physical changes and I have to fight the feeling that I’m “old”. Luckily I have even older friends who are very active and great role models of what is possible.
I have been asked to be the guardian of friends’ children. I think it is easier to go from having kids and adding a few more, than it is to go from zero kids to all of a sudden becoming a parent–so I suggested they ask someone with a family.
Doing an estate plan, living will, etc took me forever but it felt really good to have the conversations and to get these done. Now I’m deciding on long term care, if they’d even take me.
It’s so weird to see high school friends–such an intense time–and realize we were hanging out together 45 years ago. Arrgghhh!!!
I believe Red Foxx said, “Won’t those health food nuts feel silly one day, lying in bed, dying of nothing?”
I’ll let you know when I get there! Meanwhile, I don’t have a bucket list but I am trying to say “yes” more than “no” each day.
That’s my (elder) take on things. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s experiences. It helps to talk about it–compare notes.
BTW, I became aware of body changes beginning around 40 but didn’t do much about it (“no time”). DON’T WAIT!