With all due respect, mind if I ask what you or your business does that would allow you to do well in slow economies but not "even better" in good economy?
It's all relative. It's not how well I do total, but how well I do relative to the people around me. Think on it on a curve.
"Personally, I've got nothing to worry about." Is the same true for all of your relatives and friends?
Well, my friends and relatives who were profligate need a good dose of reality just like everyone else. Some tough love is needed. $600 checks a la Bush don't do any good.
SD Realtor, we're not going back to the Grapes of Wrath. But 12% unemployment is possible. I would not feel sorry for the people who borrowed to the hilt to live in McMansions and drive SUVs. What's wrong with living in an apartment and borrowing a book from the library for week-end entertainment?