While there are regions of the Middle East with a particularly high concentration of wackos, bigots and lunatics, these types of individuals unfortunately can be found everywhere. The Netherlands might not be immune to this, but it is clearly a thriving secular democracy and its government (and presumably its public TV) promotes liberal values having no direct stake in the Middle East. The facts outlined in the Dutch public TV documentary speak for themselves.
To insinuate that the Netherlands is a racist country is ridiculous, especially if compared to Israel which is a state created from the very beginning on the sole basis of a religion (other than the even tinier and citizen-less Vatican, the only in the world I believe) by people fleeing absurd persecution elsewhere. It unfortunately evolved into an apartheid state (heavily subsidized by American taxpayers) practicing some of the same abuses some of these migrants were escaping from.
If the Jerusalem Times article you refer to were right and this tiny minority (<0.3% of the world’s population and ~0.2%% in the Netherlands) faces significant discrimination today even in peaceful and tolerant Holland, there would be even more reason for all to be amazed how it is possible for this group to be so over-represented in so many of the most prestigious spheres of western societies. To be sure, this group did suffer from some barbaric acts in the past, but it doesn’t appear logically possible for them to be doing so amazingly well today if significant discrimination is still taking place. Quite the opposite, the question should be on how it achieves such disproportional power.
For those interested, it is certainly worthwhile reading a book written by Norman Finkelstein (son of Holocaust survivors) called “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering”. The book and the life story of the author after he presented his views are eye-opening.