Ummmm… because the system is not cost-effective or reasonable. Adding profit margins and bottom line growth requirements adds more unneeded cost. Get the government footing the entire bill and the whole system will change to be cost-effective, guaranteed. Make the system and the government answerable to all (including the RICH) for the service and the service will improve drastically on their behalf. You won’t see the politicians allowing their base to die off due to poor healthcare service. Makes perfect sense to me. Privatization in the case of healthcare has only served to gain profits for corporations and investors. It has not added to the level of service or the value of individual medical professionals. With that in mind I’m very curious to have seen what the outcome would have been if Social Security ended up privatized. I believe it would have ended up being a high stakes poker game with the rich sharks running off with all of the workingman’s pension loot in a heavily manipulated equity market.