It allows people to have reasonable increases in their rent that doesn’t force them to move…
When they do move, you can increase to market rents. No subletting allowed.
If it’s not worth it for a landlord to live with those rules, then don’t buy the property and don’t become a landlord.
You might get a tenant that will stay for 40 years, and they can live the “New American Dream” without owning a home.
In the process they will pay off your mortgage, and you will have something to pass on to your heirs. They will continue to collect rent.
Even if the property never appreciates, it’s better than SSI which stops the month that you drop dead
Less demand will result in lower, more stable prices. You cannot have it both ways.
I don’t care if prices stay the same for 20 years.
EXPECTING appreciation has been one of the biggest problems contributing to the housing mess.
There are still benefits to owning rental property that never appreciates.
Govt setting rental rates,,,, now that would be a terrible idea.