You need to brush up on your economic history. Take a look at the Panics of 1837, 1857,1861,1873,1884 1893,1901,1907,1913,1921,1929 and govt intervention.
Govt is more concerned about being popular than telling the truth.
If their action doesn’t cause a crisis, then their INaction does, which is what just happened with the housing bubble.
Idiots in govt that pretend to be outraged today are the same fools that stood by and spread the happy talk taking credit for a booming economy, which was nothing more than inflating a bubble.
Govt intervention AFTER the crisis is always the problem, not the solution. It’s a farce.
Govt isn’t the solution, they are often the problem.
Hurricane Katrina, airline security, Wall Street fraud, Housing bubble, job losses etc were all obvious/predictable issues that were left alone until AFTER they became a HUGE problem.
Then the same idiots pretend like they are concerned and are going to prevent it from happening again. It’s too late.
Simple fix to the economy today
1) Abolish credit cards
2) Require 50% down to get a mortgage.
People will whine, cry, complain and squeal like pigs until they grow up and accept reality and they they can no longer buy whatever they want, whenever they want.
People will be forced to live within their means.
Business cycles are normal without intervention..
they become distorted with intervention.
The illusion of prosperity and wealth is something that very few people want to give up. The govt isn’t helping, and the wrong people are getting blamed for the root cause of the crisis.