The previously posted map doesn’t even depict 4S. It is a city map. 4S is not part of San Diego City, unlike Rancho Bernanrdo which is. The area on that map where 4S is located is simply blank with no data.
[img_assist|nid=7401|title=4S Fire Map|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=366] the updated county map.
[img_assist|nid=7402|title=4S Overhead Pic|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=394]
There are three fire danger categories on this map.
Moderate: Bright Yellow
High: Brownish Yellow
Very High: Red
Most of 4S, the entire western half which is west of Dove Canyon and some areas just east of Dove Canyon is depicted as Moderate or the lowest risk represented by the map. The eastern portion of 4S surrounding Bernardo Center Drive is Very High. The majority of the homes the homes in 4S Ranch per this “County of San Diego” Fire Risk map is rated as the lowest risk depicted on the map. Several other nearby locations are indeed rated at High Risk. Many of these indeed burned during the Witch Creek fire. Again 4S didn’t lose one home . . . why???? Because most of the homes in 4S are rated at the lowest risk depicted.
Note also that the linked map was created by Cal Fire on November 7, 2007. So . . . the fire fighting department that actually fought the most recent worst fire in So. Cal history made this map. And when did they make it??? After the Witch Creek fire. Can anyone dispute that when it comes to the ultimate authority on the fire risk/danger to 4S Ranch. These people are in the very best, above everyone else, position to judge the appropriate fire risk. And what does their map depict???? Most of 4S, including all of 4S west of Dove Canyon (where I live and did not evacuate) is the lowest risk which they assign.
OK . . . all together now . . . everyone who has spewed the baseless hysteria that 4S is a “risky” place to live due to wild fires . . . all . . . open mouths . . . stick in crow . . . and chew . . . . 🙂 Don’t ya just love how the cold hard facts have a way of destroying hysteria born of irrational emotion???
Pssst! Direct your attention to the brown bar at the bottom of the web page. It has the Piggington Motto . . . “In God we Trust . . . Everyone else bring data.” Yes indeed . . . the data tells the true story here.