tg, funny post! I too have a long list of idiot failures to act on my hunches, even when I was damn near certain. My latest is just a few months old. I was feeling really good for lots of reasons about the Yen moving up. This was when it was over 122. But I didn’t have a broker account that allowed me to trade the futures. I kept putting off opening that broker account, thinking about it once every 2 or 3 days, but only when all the offices were closed. My plan would have paid off well over $100K. Not enough for a scribe to write my posts, or peel grapes for me, but…. sigh… I have lots more
Lesson for both of us…. Go with the hunches… and get off duff and execute them.
BTW, looks like you have that home of yours in your crosshairs and just need to pull the trigger when you’re ready’re. Congrats.