Romney is actually a pretty decent guy. a few of us rudely interrupted his dinner one time in LJ because a colleague of mine who was a huge fan (democrat moderate friend) spotted him. He asked him if he was planning on running in 2020.. Romney laughed…[/quote]
I have always liked Romney. Always liked McCain too.
They do their own thinking and don’t take a position just because it is in their party platform. They chart their own course which I admire greatly.[/quote]
Mostly agree. Especially with McCain. I do have some reservation with Romney on how he made money with Bain Capital by buying distressed companies, laid people off and sell the parts for profits. He ran for president on “bring overseas jobs back” platform. I think he would have made a better president than what we have the last 4 years.
As for McCain, every true American, regardless of their political views, should have been disgusted the way he was mocked by the prez as a POW.