Hey, Brian, I hate to break it to you but just because my daughter engages in pre-marital sex and then has a baby out of wedlock, and i’m helping her out does not mean I stop advocating for family values or upstanding moral character.
It’s BECAUSE that happened that I would be more in favor of those values because look how hard it is when you don’t adhere to it.
That scenario does not make one a hypocrite. There is precious little one can do to control children. You can’t run their lives for them.
Now your argument of hypocrisy would make more sense if Palin herself was unwed and became pregnant outside of marriage. Applying her standards to her children is not the same.
Still, I find all the Sarah bashing here interesting. Remember that she and McCain were catching up to Obama and were virtually in a neck to neck race. It was only after the economic crisis started dominating the news that their ticket started trending down.
On a side note, it’s also interesting watching all this negative coverage of Palin because it reminds me of this dateline story. They had a father in a restaurant and the kids were running wild. Most of the people in the restaurant disapproved of the father and the way he was letting them run around, but most did not say anything. The same scenario but they had the mother there instead. More restaurant patrons confronted the mother about the kids than the father.
I see that same exact behavior going on here. It wasn’t that the father was more lenient or the mother more strict. Basically that the mother was being held to a higher standard. Hardly fair. Much like the press coverage.