Since we disagree on virtually everything, no surprise a comment like this shows up from you. I did not state that as a reason I support this type of activity. I you read my blog( make no mistake I don’t want you to ) you would know that I dispise it. I would not constantly slam it if I thought it was what they should be doing.
I think by doing what they do they just postpone the inevitable, and make it worse when it does actually happen.
However, John Q Public itleast got a partial offset here in that their taxpayer money did give them some payback vs a total loss like most of what is happening, auto’s to name one.
This activity is no secret and yet another example of how the media selectively chooses what they report. They could expose this with a full force effort. There are people who work at GS who are tight lipped, but involved in these transactions. I am sure the media could get this out if they chose to. But there is also no doubt that the government would make someone’s live miserable with audits and god knows what else, if they were the lone soldier that pursued this.