[quote=SD Realtor]Putting a label on a flat tax is fine at it but there is not anything “unfair” about it at all. In fact many of the emerging countries in eastern europe have embraced it.
As someone whose AGI was to high to qualify for education credit (my wife is doctoral student and I spent $2K on my professional development last year) or child credit (and I have three kids) due to the money I made on a side I feel your frustration. My back of the envelope calculation shows that I got to keep about 30 cent of each $ I earned on a side, partially due to poor tax planning.
But, the governments of Eastern European countries are bought and paid for by rich tycoons who are not nearly as sophisticated as the US tycoons. The upward transfer of wealth and the social injustice is depressing. I most definitely do not want to live in such system. Nor do I want to live in flu’s “they work 6-7 days/week, 10-12 hours/day for $2-3K/month” (and they are not in the gaming industry) heaven.