Rus: I am the 9-5 worker in our family of 4. My 4-year-old is also fond of “poo poo head” so glad to hear it is not unique to her. The 2-year-old is on the bandwagon now too. Won’t use the potty, but sure has a potty mouth thanks to the older sibling’s influence.
I guess I am in the same boat as you–I really don’t have time to “study” these days (unless it’s billable to my job or involves pre-school matters). I have a stack of books from floor to ceiling I hope to read when the kids are both in grade school and I presume I’ll have more time for those pursuits. There are various random things I’ve picked up along the way and some quick internet searches and quick scanning of some major news media (I am partial to Keith Olberman and the Daily Show, so now my Achilles heel is revealed to all the far-right wackos. His “Special Comments” are fantastic–he really is a wonderful, CRITICAL newsman, which is what the media is supposed to be!)
Glad to be here and just trying to participate in the greatest thing our founding fathers left to their progeny–open debate! Oh, and maybe learn a little about the housing market and the general concensus of when we hit bottom so us renters can pounce!