Regarding cell phone usage, it is even more annoying (and horrifying) when people talk on their cell phones in the shared restrooms at work. While “using” a stall! I cannot believe how often this happens at my office.
Two guys are sitting in adjacent cubicles in a restroom. One guys says, “Hi!”. The guy in the next cubicle thinks it’s better to be polite, and responds back with a “Hi!”. The first guy then follows with “How are you doing?” A little bashful, the other guys anwsers “Err …I’m doing fine …thanks?” The first guy then boldy says, “Do you mind if I pop over?” In anguish, the second guy who is still confused, but a nice guy say’s “I’m a little busy right now”. The first guy then says, “I’ve got to hang up now, there’s somebody in the cubicle next to me who thinks I’m talking to him.”