Putting my money where my mouth is and meeting no_such_reality’s criteria:
Group home 2 doors down from me, in suburban Morgan Hill, Temecula (it’s not the only group home here in this high-end Temecula tract, we are surrounded and don’t know it). This is not the first time for me; I lived in the downtown of a major city for 10 years, surrounded by halfway houses and homes for the mentally disabled, and had no problem reselling 2 condos.
Granted, this group home is not for the “mentally disabled ” (OMG, level 3-7, killwind), merely old age. People that live in this house, they wet their knickers! They drool! They forget their addresses! They look funny! Their hair is white! They can’t remember anything! They die here 2 doors down from me and the coroner discretely picks them up!
Temeculaguy, didn’t the (seller’s) agent disclose this to you? Sue, Sue, Sue!
Crap, nothing is selling on this street. 4 out of 5 homes cancel escrow. Mercy me, what can it be? A recession/depression perhaps? No, of course not. IT’S THEIR FAULT THAT MY PROPERTY VALUE HAS
Tomorrow I’m going to knock on the group home door and ask them if I can help them in any way, or just invite them to dinner. I feel I have been remiss and killwind’s comments have jolted me into action.