Yeah who needs science when we’ve got reality tv and the khardashians and big butts that don’t need no explainin.[/quote]
Hold it right there! Admittedly I have never watched an episode of the Khardashians and can probably only name three (one being Bruce) but big butts I will defend with my last breath. The Brazilian Butt Lift fat transfer (not implants) along with yoga pants has made the world a better place. Whoever perfected the surgery that transfers love handles to big butts deserves a medal!!! Men decry plastic surgery in public but as soon as someone perfects a safe and reliable male augmentation surgery, I’m going into the surgery loan business.
Bernie would get my vote if butt augmentation surgery was part of his universal health care, strictly from a spectator’s point of view.
On that note, my low 20’s kids freaking love Bernie, as do all their college aged or recent graduate friends. Hillary does not resonate with the young people, her voice annoys the shit out of me and deja vu, she’s starting to lose her lead like she did against Obama at this same spot 8 years ago. I was working on my taxes today and all this Bernie talk forced me to evaluate how bad of a hit I’m going to take of he wins. It turns out, probably not too bad, so the world won’t end if he wins and as a heathen, I like that he doesn’t go to church.
I’ll modify my prediction, Sanders vs Trump. Not sure who wins but their debates will be must see TV. I’m cool with either winning. Just anyone other than Hillary will make me happy, or Ted Cruz, he annoys me as well. BTW it’s not because she is a woman, in fact any other woman would be fine, just not her. Even Amy Pohler pretending to be Hillary works for me. Actually Tina Fey pretending to be Palin is better than Palin as a VP choice. I’m going to research the person someone called “just like Palin with a brain.” It boggles my mind, I’m ready for a female president, I’ve had awesome female bosses/leaders in the last decade, I think it’s time. But the only two either party has sent out are these two, really!!!
Lets say Trump wins nomination as does Hillary, or it’s Bernie and Cruz, if I were Trump or Bernie, my VP choice would be Trump/Bernie and the reverse is true. Neither are beholden to their chosen party and they would each assuage the fears of the other side of the spectrum. If this happens, I demand full credit, plus I’ll be emailing them if either of them win the nomination.